Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chuck and Barbs Epic Journey

Well, 5 years ago I didn't know what a blog was, 2 years ago I wouldn't touch and now here I am.  For our 60th year, my wife (Barb) decided that we would ride our bicycles from San Diego to Seattle.  It became an EPIC journey when the word epic became the new overused word and my younger son Brent came up with a bumper sticker that said "Do Epic Stuff"...only it didn't say stuff, but you get my drift (must be old age when I can't say shit in my blog).  We are seen here on a rare sunny day in Seattle area with our bikes loaded up and (between pictures) training.  Typically, it is below 45 and wet, so this is a rare picture. 

This all started last year when we went down to San Diego, Lemon Grove to be exact, and we rode from my sister Peggy's house to my sister MaryAnn's house in San Juan Capistrano.  80 miles up one day and 80 back the next.  Nice trip, we drove down and had a great road trip (just like old days except without the beer).  On the way back Barb decided that we were going to ride our bikes back the next year.  I could only respond with the dutiful husband response...."yes dear".  Well a year has come and gone and in the words of that great literary genius, "the time has come the time is now...... go" (or something to that effect - loose quotes).  So on April 20th we leave for San Diego and on April 22nd we start our EPIC journey.

A brief bit of history, after kids, my body giving up on soccer (Barb still plays), and other things, we started riding bikes more.  Then there was a trip to Italy (see sunflower picture) where we also got my kid sister Peggy into riding and it has taken off.  Peggy has come up to Seattle for two trips, one from Seattle to Portland, and one from Seattle to Vancouver BC.  The picture below is of the "group" before the Seattle to Vancouver trip (RSVP - Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and PARTY - of course at my age two beers is a party). 

So being new to blogging, this could take sometime getting up to speed.  I am starting the blog now in order to get aquainted and to see if I can access it with my Surface computer.  I will keep you posted.  The bikes have been shipped to San Diego, we are in the final stages of packing and HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!

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