Rained last night and this morning, not hard, jst rain.....I have an idea! lets go out to breakfast!!!! Flowers from Miranda on the Ave of Giants
Really cool stump, too bad I don't have ability to lighten....if anyone knows program to us on Surface RT let me know
Morning Tai Chi

Back on the Ave of Giants Awesome, again and again and again...did I mention Big trees?

smiling again
Big bikeing lane allows for pics while riding, Eel river on right

not bad for a behind the back shot, huh?
Barb and her Ewok thing, again

Peg trying out Barbs mtn bike (watch out Kathy, its a heavy bike!!!)

Entering Rio Dell. a restaurant sign said "get in here or we'll both starve!" had Mexican rice and beans with pastries...gotta work those in

Beautiful farm country

you meet the nicest people on the road. I talked to this old gal for quit some time, she was a good listener....
FERNDALE, I had gone to college 30 miles north, but never been here. nice town and well kept.

good night
Chuck, you might try Adobe Photoshop Express available for free from the Microsoft Store. I haven't tried it, but it looks fairly simple and should do the trick for you on lighting up those pics. - Joe