this is Barb thinking we might have good accomodations. Actually, this is in memory of her mom, who was a shutter bug from an early age and two things she liked to take pictures of was her daughter and road signs.....
Anudda day 4/30/13
Well I mentioned that we spent a
little time at the restaurant with breakfast and the blog, but I failed to
mention that it was like 2 hours, so we really got going at about 12:30PM. 40 miles usually isn’t bad, but we had a few
hills, not to mention visiting a colony of elephant seals……
First we have a picture of Barb
thinking we had accommodations at Hearst Castle, which we didn’t. Then we had the elephant seal colony, which
just basically laid around and fan sand on each other. Something I think I could get into….. laying
around with a bevy of gals all around…Ooops gotta be careful, Barb is looking
over my shoulder…. Of course the last time I fanned sand on a gal at the
breach, I got in trouble as she didn’t like it – aw the complexities of life. the Seals must know how to do it.
Here we are at Elephant Seal Beach
Then….it was into the hills and
the start of Big Sur Park. Little or no
shoulder and CLIMB. We have lots of
pictures of that. I must say the drivers
are courteous for the most part. Barb had one that thought she should move
over and there wasn’t room, but all and all didn’t seem life threatening. Lots of stops, so as I waited for Barb, I
seemed to have taken about 120 pictures…usually Barbs MO and no, I am not going
to load them all. BEAUTIFULL
SCENERY!!!!!!! Steep cliffs. One nice thing about all the hill climbing,
little or no wind, and some WheeHee rides down some real curvy roads.
We have a pic of the two of us at
lunch break at ragged point….still having fun, married and in love J
In case you didn’t notice… sun. I even put on long pants today. So sweat on the way up the hills and chilly
cold on the way down. Pretty much Waynes
kinda weather. Definitely not as cold as
some Washington rides, but not as warm as we had hoped. I haven’t used my full fingered heavy gloves
We were supposed to spend the night
at a remote campsite with no water, so the last 8 miles I loaded up an
additional 8 pounds of water, in addition to 3 my water bottles. It became obvious that we were running late,
and when we hit the last berg (Gorda) before the campsite, they had a hotel,
restaurant and VACANCY,]!!!!!!! So needless to say, even though we had paid for
the campsite, we stayed in Gorda. Last two pics are from outside our room,
sunset and Vacancy sign.
And off to Big Sur camp ground tomorrow. Since we have no internet connection, we may
be there before you read this. Jacky is
supposed to meet us in Big Sur!!!!!
Toodles for the night
A bit of backtracking, we started
our journey with a breakfast with old friends.
Robert, Hal and his wife Allison and my sister Peg. We have a picture of us in front of Marios in
La Mesa. I have an affinity for machaca
and eggs for breakfast. So here is our
picture. It is always fun to start adventures with friendships.
Random thought….the more I think
about Brian and Howard, the more I think I must be living on the good graces of
my parents, certainly not mine. What a
truly lucky and positive experience.
Thanks again to both.
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